Sunday 26 June 2011

World's Ugliest Dog

I swear that everywhere I turn, this revolting news story keeps on haunting me. The latest winner of the worlds ugliest dog has been announced and I am sorry but the thing is so gross that it makes me what to be sick! (so I go and post a picture of it) I am surprised its owner isn't sick. What makes me more sick than the actual dog itself is the fact that they even do this competition. I know its animals but its still not nice! You wouldn't put your kid into the worlds ugliest kid competition  (well I am sure that some people would!) So I have come to the conclusion that just dont start on one category because it will spread to all the others. I swear we already have the worlds ugliest cat and I really do not want to see anymore! Its horrific and the poor thing looks like it has already died at least twice. Either hide it or kill it! 
Signing out, Thatmfeeling 
(I love dogs really)

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Ellie Goulding: Bright Lights

I have to admit that recently I wanted to buy an album, I didn't care what album it was I just needed to listen to some new music (wow I sound like a music junkie!) a singer that I had not heard much about. As I was browsing away on iTunes I come across Ellie Goulding and at first I thought “no she annoys me” but as I was looking at all the other albums I started to think to myself that actually the album sounded far better than any of the other releases that I had just previewed. I clicked buy and let me tell you that I do not regret the decision at all! The album is amazing and I really cant get enough of it! Yu can listen to it in the background, in the shower, in a club, out loud, it just wors everywhere! “Believe me” is so happy and swishy, its light hearted and is one of my many favorites on the album. “Animal” is more upbeat and danceable, it is a great song that I could go mad to in a club (and I think I have actually!) “little dreams” is again a really strong song for me. I love the lyrics and really understand what she is going through. (not that I am one for falling in love!) What surprises me though is that she has managed to turn these feelings (of what I actually assume to be negative feelings) into a fun funky song with a great beat! Now I could talk about every song on the album because I honestly think they are all great, every single one (and if you know me then you would know how hard it is for me to come across an album that firstly, I like from the start and also an album that I like every song in general!) The final song that I am going to talk about is “Under the sheets” I just love it and think that this is probably the best song on the album (if I really had to choose just one song!) Ellie Goulding’s voice is amazing and I don't know what it is about the song but it just sounds great! amazing tune, amazing beat and just amazing feelings from it. I have to say that this album has had such a big impact on my life as it makes me so happy and feel so good so I have Ms Goulding for this! (I LOVE YOU!) anyway before I blabber on even more I will say one last thing. If you do not have it, buy it!!! She is going to go very far! LOVE

Signing out, Thatmfeeling

If you have not listened to her songs then start here! click on the youtube link above and let me know what you thin of her!

Friday 17 June 2011

Edge Of Glory: Why So Simple?

So the time has come again for Ms Gaga to release another music video which means one thing, its time for me to review another music video! My first thought after watching the video was that I had just wasted 5 minutes of my life but after thinking about it, the pain was not as bad as I once had thought. The video is extremely simple and to be honest with you, rather boring but in a sense it is rather beautiful. I started thinking to myself that if that was a music video by Cheryl Cole, Adele or even the Black Eyed Peas then we would have been impressed with it. It is a beautiful set and a really nice song but because it is Lady gaga we expect more. I love the colours of the set and oddly I really like Gaga's hair and outfit! The one thing I really wanted her to do in the video though was walk up the sodding staircase or at the very least thrown herself off it (create some drama!) The video will not go down as a favorite and I very much doubt that I will even buy the video like I have done with so many of her other music videos but my thought is that the video will probably have a majority dislike to it (maybe I will be surprised) but I do not think it should be a hated one. it is simple, repetitive and nothing happens (and not in a negative way but that is very similar to the song itself!) All I can say is that it is a God damn improvement on bands that release a video of them singing live in a stadium I mean how boring and cheap can someone be! This is to you Ms Gaga, not your best but most defiantly not your worst by a long mile 

Watch the video below and let me know what you think... I hope her hairstyle catches on!

Signing out, Thatmfeeling

Thursday 16 June 2011

Anthony Weiner: Where is the line and do people cross it?

I find this news story really interesting! I have just learnt that Anthony Weiner has resigned from is job due to the problems that he has caused in the media that surrounds him. Half of me thinks that he should resign and that he has now done the correct thing but then the other half of me feels sorry for the guy. If he was not married and and expecting a child then I would have initially said that the guy should not have resigned. Yes it was unprofessional, especially when you are in the public eye but people do need to realise that we are all human and even people that represent us just need to let their hair down now and then (plus come on! he actually has a great body! I say if you have got it then flaunt it!) what to me makes this story bad though is that he is married and expecting a child which really does put the stoppers on it... yes you can send pictures out but you should really be doing it to your wife not some dirty hooker porn star that is using this for attention and throwing herself into the lime light. It makes me sick that people like her do things like this. I think the decent thing for her to do would have been to say “I do not want to comment, this is a personal matter and I would like to deal with the situation with Anthony and anyone related” the fact that she has released statements and done all of this makes me just think that she is a sad cow that needs to realise that she is no innocent cookie as she was messaging him and fooling around too! (yes maybe the situations are different but she clearly was wanting it) This also made me think about situations where people use things like this against you. If you say something on your Facebook and it gets into the wrong hands then it could be complete disaster and it really should not be like this. Yes by you typing it you are confirming it, but to me your Facebook is your private profile where you can share information with your friends. If I was to say to my friends that I thought my manager was a bitch and then they told her, nothing would really come from it and I think that is the way it should stay (just to confirm I think my manager is amazing and I think she is excellent at her job!) but the fact that companies are checking your profiles to see the insides of your life is wrong. We are all entitled to our private lives and I know some people are rather extreme on their Facebook with naked pictures and being drunk all the time but that does not mean that they cant do their job correctly. No one is innocent and you aren't exactly going to turn up to work with a drink in your hand being naked so how do these photos affect your job? I know that the other point to this is that you should have privacy settings and you are exposing yourself for the world to see (Privacy settings are good as I do not want the world to see photos of me and my friends going out as they are for me and my friends to see) but the point that I am trying to make is where is the line and how does everyone know when they have crossed it? people have always shared their opinions, flirted, enjoyed themselves and been crazy so why should they stop this in a day and age where you do use the internet and report back on Facebook what you have been up to? People should be careful but people should still be allowed to be themselves and have that tiny bit of freedom to do so.

Signing out, Thatmfeeling

Wednesday 15 June 2011

London Olympics: The Ticket System

I am so proud of our country hosting the Olympics for 2012 and have been a follower of all things Olympic even before that time! I have loved watching the park at Stratford transform from a dirty, industrial hole into a beautiful park and am so excited for all the events that will be happening next year. There is one thing, however that I am shocked and rather disappointed with. The ticket system for these Olympic games has been awful and rather embarrassing! I did apply for tickets and did not get any (well I don't think I have!) but its not the fact that I did not get any that is the problem (I applied in the last half an hour so I didn't expect anyway) what annoys me is how anyone thought that a system that picks people at random would be a good idea! It pushes people to apply for more events than they want to go to just on the chance that they may get one or two tickets. From the news stories that I have read, these people have ended up with more than they wanted and people that applied for one have not managed to get anything. What also annoys me is that the tickets are available from other countries websites and they have a normal system that we should have had in place here! Why couldn't all the tickets (every single ticket!) be available from the official website for the world to buy at a first come first serve basis!? any expensive tickets that were left would  have been seen as the last chances to get a place and people would have snapped them up! You are now going to get people at events that they didn't particularly have an interest in and people that were eager for specific events to be left out. If it was first come first serve then you would also know what event you had been accepted to without waiting for a silly system to tell you months after you have paid. This is the first thing about the London Olympics that I can sadly say that I think is shameful. To turn something so simple into something so complex is an embarrassment and the people that decided this system should need to stand up and explain their actions and to be removed from anything to do with the Olympics and be shamed like they have just shamed their country. I hope this is the one and only negative thing that comes from the London Olympics (I know people will be laughing saying there are already so many more but I think so far has been so good)
Signing out, Thatmfeeling 

Wednesday 1 June 2011

Animal Cruelty

I read a news story this morning before I left for work and I was so shocked by it I had to read it three or four times because I just could not get my head around it! The news article was about a dog that had been bound, shot in the head forty times and then buried alive. As you can see by the picture it is extremely shocking. This poor dog managed to move enough to get its mouth out of the ground and breath and then have to stay their helpless hoping that something would get it out! I know there are some sick people in the world but this really is such a twisted thing to do. Most animals do not stand a chance against us and some of us feel the need to torture and kill animals probably because it makes these people feel big about themselves. If only they could take a good look in the mirror and see how sad, pathetic and evil they are being. The punishment that you get for killing or torturing an animal can also be just as shocking as the crime. I understand that there is a limit, I mean I accidentally killed one of my fish a couple of months ago and I do not feel that I should have to go down for manslaughter (well fishslaughter) for that but when it is a dog, horse, monkey or animal that usually has a long life span that you make the choice to take into your life then I cant get over how they can be treated. I am so glad that the dog “star” survived and I hope that the new owners will give that dog the best years of its life but it is just extremely sad to know that that is not the first case and will not be the last case. People are sick and its a shame that there is no better way to deal with them than put them in prison of give them a warning/fine. 
Signing out, Thatmfeeling