Saturday 26 February 2011

Bring back the Skylon

I was looking up information on the new landmark that is being built on the Olympic grounds when I come across a rather strange old landmark. Before looking for it I had no idea this thing even existed but what I found out about it really amazed me! It was a very slender and modern sculpture that was erected in London in 1951. It looks like an alien space ship for anorexics but I am so surprised that people loved it back then. The sculpture is something that would stand out and lap up the attention in 2011 so I can only imagine the reaction that it received back then in 1951. Sadly the sculpture was demolished in 1952 (I am under the impression that it was never designed to last) by orders of Winston Churchill who saw it as a symbol of the Labour government. there are many rumors as to where the parts of it are now but there is a campaign to re-erect the Skylon again (many locations but clearly it should only be resurrected in London, I voted for City Hall as I think it would be the best new home for this amazing work of art) Please take a look at the website. I think the while idea is amazing and I really do hope to see this art standing proud in London very very soon. WE NEED MORE ART! 

Link to the Skylon website:

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Skins UK Vs. US Plus Season 5? Yay Or Nay?

Okay now there are two versions of the same program either side of the pond! Has America outdone the British version and what about series 5 of Skins? Well, there are so many questions to ask and so many to answer! After watching four seasons of British Skins I did not hold much hope for season 5. Seasons 1&2 were amazing with the original characters and the dark, gross disturbing lives that they lead. Well, seasons 3&4 completely ruined the skins legend. Its not because of the change of characters, well to be honest with is. I have no problem with them changing the cast but the cast and story lines were awful. Everything was exaggerated and the best bits of the first two seasons seemed to be erased and made bigger to keep the public watching. Skipping over to the US version, It is completely awful. Watching season 1 of US skins sadly makes me really like seasons 3&4 here! Skins is a program that America simply cannot remake. It is too dark, grimy, disturbing and “real” for America to have a decent shot at reproducing it. The version is too glamourous, happy, sweetened and just had everything that Skins is really about sucked out of it. I usually like American programs & remakes but this is one that I just simply HATE. Swimming back to the UK, Season 5 was surprisingly good! I love the new characters and I love the order that they have been placed in. Clearly some thought has gone into this season and I look forward every week to watching the program. It was always going to be a make or break for season 5 because if it was awful it was guaranteed that people would start switching off. This seasons cast simply erase the fact that seasons 3&4 ever existed and to me continue off from season 2 where the program was great. If you are from America and you have not seen the UK (ORIGINAL) version then I strongly recommend watching it because once you see the original version you will never switch on to the crap that you were watching before. Yes, I will give the US version a chance and will watch the whole season but its just simple ... it will never be as good as the first. The attitude and darkness would just get banned in America. Love skins and keep on watching Season 5!

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Has Britney done it?

When it comes to Britney spears I really have no hope. I know it sounds harsh but I think she has been clinging onto the one thing that has been keeping her famous, being mad and having comebacks ever album. When I heard that Ms Spears had a new song coming out I did not think “oh I better write this one on the calendar because it is a brilliant buy” and I have to agree, now that I have heard the song I still do not think it is a must buy... However I think it is a pretty good damn song for her so it has re-lit theI had for this woman. I do not want to talk about the song though, Its the video that has got me looking!
There was so much hype over this video that I expected it to be awful. I find that most music video that get so much promotion and hype end up just being plain, cheap and boring. Well, I take this back for ms Spears video. I saw a link to the video from friends profile so I thought I would have a little lookie and when I did I was very pleasantly surprised! There has clearly been some money spent on this video, and so there should be because I am almost certain that if this song and video failed then so would Spears. She has had so much time to rebuild herself and her performances that this was the final straw. It is also great to see that Britney Spears has also finally admitted that she is an alien. The video is colourful, catchy and entertaining. The part that really attracts me to this is her dress when she is spraying it with paint. it is absolutely beautiful and if you watch i on Vevo where the quality is very good then you can see just how much colour and creativity has gone into this video. now i am not saying that this is the best music video, i think she has a long way to go before she can claim that title but this is a very good direction and improvement on anything else she has done. I will be intrigued to see if the next song has the same quality added to it as this song has done.

Tuesday 15 February 2011

The Brit Awards 2011... Rocked!

well what a brilliant night at the Brits!!! I am so happy that they decided to move the ceremony to the O2 even though there was one negative thing... it was so BIG!!!! but I think that gave it such a great atmosphere! (and I love all the complaints about how far people had to walk to get from A to B!)
Apart from it being an amazing venue it was actually a brilliant show they put on. I am surprised to say that I loved Rihanna’s section (yes I am not the biggest fan of this woman at the moment) and Take That!!! There were a few people however that I am sorry to say that I have NO idea who they were!? That blonde girl thing that walked up on stage and said something like “mum here you go” and then showed the bottom of the award!? I am sure she did not even know who she was and I am so glad her speech (if that is what you call it) was short because she needed to get off that stage! (drop her from the ceiling! (sorry that was harsh!)
One thing that I missed (lots!) was the mash up style music that the Brits did last year.... that was great, this year we watched Paloma Faith loose half of her dress whilst singing... fun but not that amazing and many riot police run across a stage with a man on fire (more amazing) Anyway, the winners for me were Adele! (that woman has a pair of lungs on her!) Paloma Faith (minus the awful singing) for her dress rip and for just being amazing and also Rihanna. If you have not already watched it then I recommend that you either youtube it or watch it on a player because it was one of those shows that is needed to be watched (cool people do!?)

PS I hate the host! he is such a nob!

I am impressed and will wait fondly for the next show.... lets see what the reaction is soon!

(Pictures from Big Top 40 Show )

Friday 11 February 2011

Lady Gaga Was Born That Way!

The Lady that the world knows, Grandmas and all has just released her first single from her official second album! It is what everyone is talking about, good or bad so I am going to join in the band wagon (like I said I would)! And I will give you my view!
In all honesty, when I knew the song was going to be released I did not think much of it. I thought it would be over hyped and that it would be “good” I have to say that I am glad that I had this opinion because I rather like the single. I do not think it is her best work (I have never really given a review and said any song is) but I know that it is a grower! The beat in this song is amazing and it will be an excellent club song to dance to. I also love the fact that it has a very summery feel (I am really into summer at the moment and cant get enough of anything that has a hint of summer in it!) 
Without sounding too nasty, I really hope that her album does not sound like this song. I love it but I just think that it would be too much to have more of that (and Ms Gaga has some similar sounding songs to each other on her first album) 
Generally I would say it is worth the buy. Its going to be played everywhere so you may as well get use to it and I am not the hugest fan of Gaga so you can trust me when I say its good for the song rather than just because it has been released by her (I love her and hope she continues her success but I don’t cry if I look at a poster of her like many people would) I hope it does get to No. 1 (it will) and nock all the crap that is on the charts off at the moment (Minus Adele because she is just AMAZING!!) Go Gaga!


Thursday 3 February 2011

The Blog That Was A Blog

Today has been such a strange day. Everything seems to be completely different today. I had to call in sick for another day at work as my migraine is really killing me. I have had these sharp pains for about five days now and even though they are starting to go, it still makes you feel a little weird. The water pump at my place has also blown so I have no water pressure which is brilliant! Because there was no pressure it means one thing, bath time. It is so rare for me to have a bath, I am use to being quick, having a shower and getting on with my life. When you have a bath everything runs slowly and you get into thinking to things. I even had music playing because I knew if it took that long to run the sodding bath then I was going to have my time with it! So not only has my day not followed routine with the usual things I do, it seems to not follow routine in thought too! (I sound like a nut case!) I am not sad but I do not think I am happy either (I honestly think it is because I have not been to work and I am so use to going to work and not stopping.) Once I got out of the bath I just sat on my bed for a while and because I felt really hot and a bit light headed I opened the window and turned all the lights off. Really randomly it was so good. Fresh (ish) air and not one single person. I felt really happy to be in London but felt like I was in the struggle to change to the next chapter in my life. Its a weird feeling and I know me being “ill” does not help (giggles to himself) anyway I guess I am writing this to myself to remind me that I need to do things like this more often. It was odd but great to have a change and just sit and do nothing whilst looking at the orange clouds, empty roads and the occasional train pass by. It was great as well because you can see the tip of the Shard in the distance which, to me also symbolises that things are changing. The Shard is my baby that I have witnessed grow from nothing but the plans on paper to the huge elegant monster that has invaded onto our skyline. It shows you that big things can happen and change and reminds me that I really want to be along for the ride.