Saturday 10 March 2012

The Thermae Baths

It was the day after Parliament and I was already on a high when I had to get my things together, make sure my full body tan was gleaming and my swim shorts were packed because I was on my way to Bath. There is one thing that you have to do whilst in Bath and that is go to the Thermae spa! I had never been before as last time I visited I was by myself and it is one of those places that I really did not know what to expect. Me and my friend had traveled up specifically to go to the spa and we were both really excited! Once we arrived we made it straight to the spa and it was great because there were no queues (as we discovered there would be when we left) We changed and made our way up to the roof straight away to see the landmark swimming pool. It was amazing! It was such a beautiful day yet was still cold so as we walked towards the pool you are thinking “I hope this pool is really warm!” I stepped in and I knew from that moment that I never wanted to leave. The water was about 33 Celsius and felt like heaven. We stayed in this pool for a while just admiring the view. It is not a tall building but as Bath is in a Bowl and the other buildings are also low rise, you can see everything. We finally made it downstairs into the indoor pool area, the pool size was better and it also had a jacuzzi in it so you know that that was one of the first things we charged towards. For those of you that do not now about the Thermae spa, the water is naturally heated from thermal springs. The water is also full of minerals so you feel great at the end of the day with amazingly soft skin (well I did anyway) 

We had one final stop at the spa and that was the steam rooms. This is the thing that I fell in love with. There were four steam rooms and they all had different fragrances in. I could manage three of them as the one that smelt of eucalyptus and mint was over the top strong and I found it impossible to breathe in. It was the most relaxed that I had been in a very long time and I could have spent the whole day in one (even though I would have died!) I was left with overall positive impressions of this place and am already making plans for my next visit. It is so easy for me to get there and I seem to think of Bath as my pamper place now which is how I always want to keep it. After Thermae I had a fantastic meal with my friend and lots of wine. It had to be the perfect evening to a perfect day. If you have never been to Bath then it is something that you just have to do. 

hope you enjoyed, signing out, Thatmfeeling 

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