Friday 22 April 2011

The Royal Wedding

Oh how exciting, Prince William and Kate Middleton are getting married next week! I think Kate is so pretty! (I swear all of my friends think that she is a plain jane but look at her! wow!) What I also love about the wedding is that it is bringing people together in celebration! Sadly I will be working throughout the wedding (I mean how can I say no to extra pay!) but I shall be watching it on my phone and will be Sky newsing it up as soon as I get out! I do really like to hear other peoples opinions from other countries of the wedding as it seems there is international interest (well that is what I have heard) Its nice to know what other people think of our country and what goes on inside it (bad and good because I know so many people diss the UK) because I am so proud to live here and live in London (I always had a dream to live in london and I have managed to fulfill it so every day is amazing in that sense. Anyway! getting back to the whole wedding situation! I am really looking forward to it and I hope that everything goes exactly to plan and that nothing ruins it! You hear about these groups that want to ruin the day and I just think to myself that they are so sad. I think that everyone has a right to freedom of speech but I really do think that there is a time and a place for it and the wedding is not one of them (I am sure that there will be someone reading this that completely disagrees with me and thats fine but this is my opinion!) anyway Kate & Wills! I wish you the very best and you make me proud (in a “I do not actually know who you are but yay! cool like!”) 

1 comment:

  1. Well, a monarchy in the 21st century does look incredibly backward. Diana and Charles ruined the illusion. It's tragic that Diana is not still with us. Could you imagine that fucking event? Charles with Camilla, and Diana with who the fuck knows, both at the same ceremony? Oh, the fireworks! I do like how William is including his mother's memory into everything, and pissing off the establishment. His mother would be so proud!

    I dunno know. The rebel in me wants to just turn and roll my eyes. I probably won't watch, but I'm sure I'll see pictures and stuff. The media outside of the UK are trying so hard, and I mean SO FUCKING HARD, to make this some humongous event. They want the ratings so badly. The ratings probably will be incredibly high thanks to the media we now have. There's no escaping it.

    I think when Charles married Diana, there was a sense that he would take the throne in a pretty short amount of time. Now, his mother is still alive, he's fucking old and still waiting, and in the background there is William. William has a pretty long wait now. William and Kate are also much older than Diana and Charles were when they got married.

    I have to agree with your friends that Kate looks as plain as can be. She looks like a typical British girl, who was produced out of the chav culture. She's certainly not a chav, but that generation has a certain look. Even the posh are a bit on the trashy side. She's nothing to write home about.

    William's hairline is also a crying shame. How difficult it must be to live in your bother's shadow -- wait, isn't that suppose to be the other way around? Everyone wants to fuck the redheaded one, not the bald one!

    You still haven't told us where you originally hail from since you weren't born in London. ;)
