Sunday 4 December 2011

Winter: I hate it!

Everything seems so sudden with the weather recently. We had amazing weather that turned bad, only to turn great again and then in the click of a finger, we skipped from Summer to Winter. Whist we can all admit that it could be far colder, it is only a matter of time before the big chill hits us and I am really not looking forward to it. Firstly you must be wondering why I am talking about weather, well I am British and this is something we do rather well. Secondly it is because the weather affects us so much. I think snow looks beautiful but when you are living in a fast paced city, it looks ugly and destroys everything. You dress up warm but have to take it off when you get n the underground. You have to have multiple shoes with you because you cant walk down a road in the usual smart shoes because you would get hit by an out of control, swirling double decker bus. Transport screws over and then everyone is late for work, you have no space to put all these extra items of clothing and the list just goes on and on! I have to say that I think we have had a great year for weather and everyone knows that with the great weather will come some extreme bad weather too... Its just WHEN! with the snow and coldness comes the bad news stories of people freezing to death, heating bills going through the roof and the country slowly starting to shut down. I hope that after long learning we can all look back at this blog and say “ahh we coped really well last Winter” even though saying this, I don’t even have a coat! the recession has hit me so hard that I need Burberry to sponsor me for Winter! (please!) so I can get a coat! Whilst a part of me would love to have a week of Winter (it makes you realise how much we love Summer) I hope it is just that, a week of Winter. I look forward to next year when  we can head back into the warmer figures and we can put all those pretty little pictures into our albums, along with our coats (not for me) scarfs and gloves! 

signing out, brrrrrrrrrr..... Thatmfeeling

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