Tuesday 14 February 2012

I have discovered my very own mood enhancer!

I had a very unexpected evening today when I decided to sort through some of the “crap” that I had in my “sorting” draw. Yes I am one of these people that has a draw that I put things in until I can get around to sorting through it and organising it into the places that they need to be. Whilst the sorting through the draw was just a normal thing for me, what came after was just a lovely end to the day. I decided to get some of my boxes out to put these items in and I decided to take the time to look through them. The amount of memories that flooded back to me just made me smile. I had kept drawings from college and uni that me and my friends have made that really summed up my time. I had work badges and ID cards from previous jobs, my very first iPod Mini, little bits that I have collected over my life that I knew I wanted to keep and look back one day. It is so strange though, I knew that they were there yet actually taking the time to look at them has turned my day around. I think of people that move around all the time, throw every single thing away (I am someone that loves to throw things away mind you!) and just think that I am so lucky to have managed to keep hold of these items. I want one day for my kid to look through this box and see the life that I had. Ask me what the hell an iPod is and what did we use to do with them. Why we had ID cards for work and so on and so on. If you are ever feeling down or have had a day that meant nothing then I recommend you start having a rummage through your things. If you do not keep mementos then I strongly advise you to do it. We all live our lives and its nice to have things that remind us of the good times! I will be going to sleep with a smile on my face! 

Above & Below: Random pictures of me and old friends from 2008! Fun times at Uni!

Signing out, Thatmfeeling 

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