Thatmfeeling on Mark Wright:
I want to hate the guy! I hate people that are so far up their own arses that they could tan themselves in their own shit. I don’t understand though but there is something about him that I really like. He has a great style (he knows this) he looks great too (he also knows this) and he does have a dirty charm in the way he talks (again he knows this) I want to hate him but I just cant!
Thatmfeeling on James Argent:
This guy cracks me up. He is the complete opposite of Mark and he has no charisma skills. He gets himself into trouble and does not think about what he is going to say before he says it. I really like Arg, he is kind, fun, funny and just a great big huge teddy bear.
Thatmfeeling on Kirk Norcross:
yummy! I don’t know why I like him but I just do! he has some sort of vulnerability to him and I think it gives him such an attractive quality. He is fun, I think he has his head in the right place and I would mist defiantly love him as a friend.
Thatmfeeling on Harry Derbidge:
Harry is one of the main reasons that I did not want to watch the show when it first come out. I hate gays like that and I hate the fact that he wears more makeup than all the girls put together. I have to say though that as the seasons have gone on, I really have started to like him. He is not my cup of tea but I think he has grown and become funnier and better in the seasons. He would be someone that i would go out clubbing with but that is as far as it goes. Some of the best lines come from him!
Thatmfeeling on Sam Faiers:
OMG I just love this girl! She is cute, fun and just amazing. I thin with Sam you just cant help but like her. I love watching her, listening to her and think that she has to be one of the best people in the series. She is the queen of reem!
I do not even need to comment. Joey is the most amazing thing ever. He makes me laugh so much and I think the program is all the better for him being in it. It is a shame that he is not in the first season because it would have rocketed even further to the top! Classic and amazing! Love him
Thatmfeeling on Chloe Sims:
I didn’t like Chloe the first time I saw her but she is so funny. Chloe is the female version of Joey and the things that she comes up with related to politics and news crack me up. I want to hug her and tell her that she is so sweet.
Thatmfeeling on Gemma Collins:
Gemma annoys me one second and then I am laughing along with her the next. I wish she would stop talking about love like it is some sort of fairytale world. She has a great sense of humor but all she talks about is love, sex and being with Arg. Sometimes I wonder if she has ever had a conversation about anything else? bad editing or is she always like that?
Thatmfeeling on Lauren Goodger:
I hate her. I am sorry but she does my head in and if there was a group of friends with her in it I would just have to avoid them. She comes across as so needy, bitchy, greedy and anything else negative that I could say about her. I hope it is not really her but I would be so ashamed to watch myself back and see that I act like her.
Thatmfeeling on Jessica Wright:
I honestly have nothing to say about her.
Thatmfeeling on Lydia Rose Bright:
oh yay she is amazing! I know she can have her tantrums but I do love her. She can be grown up and silly at the same time and I do love watching her reactions to everything!
Thatmfeeling on Amy Childs:
how can you not like her. She is sexy, stupid and just so funny. I want her to come back!
What do you think of the show and the people in it?
signing out, Thatmfeeling

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