Something that made me smile today was when I was browsing the website of a rather brightly coloured London department store. Some rather brightly coloured note books caught my eye and I had to have a look at the whole collection. Whilst I thought the whole idea was serious at first, as I was reading titles such as “Celebrities I met and liked” “Photographers I met and liked” and “Travelers I met and liked” I started to read titles that slapped a grin on my face “Royals I met and liked” “Wives I had and liked” and finally “Journalists I met and liked” I mean seriously! how many royals would you actually fill into a book, divorces are on the up but unless you are Britney Spears, you would not be able to fill the book and are there any journalists that we could honestly say that we like!? I love the idea and the colours are vibrantly beautiful! I do plan to go out and buy one or two and I think I have my eyes on the “Wives I had and liked” and the “Shrinks I met and liked” anyway, have a little gander and start up a little quirky collection yourself!

the link to the Archie Grand website is: http://www.archiegrand.com/index.html
Signing out, Thatmfeeling
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